
Bluestacks installer for windows 10
Bluestacks installer for windows 10

bluestacks installer for windows 10

So be sure to download apps using Play Store only and don’t try to sideload apks from third-party websites. You don’t need to doubt it if you get it from the official website.Īlso, you need to understand that after downloading BlueStacks from the official site the apps you install inside BlueStacks should be safe too.

bluestacks installer for windows 10

However, you can always choose to re-enable the Windows Security/Defender or the Anti-virus of your choice.īluestacks is a safe and trusted software by millions of users. Other than just installing the program files, it adds files that support virtualization on your computer. There are many other reasons why it is considered a security threat. It happens because most anti-virus software stops new applications to alter computer files.Īs a result, any anti-virus would perceive Bluestacks as a virus and stop Bluestacks from installing completely. Some users might face a prompt from Bluestacks when installing that asks you to disable real-time updates or any anti-virus software running on your computer. It’s probably best if you avoid downloading Bluestacks from other websites. That said, if you download it from any other website other than the official one, you can expect different forms of Malware. (The latest version for Windows is Bluestacks 5 and for MAC is Bluestacks 4 and for Cloud is Bluestacks X)

bluestacks installer for windows 10

If you download Bluestacks from the official website, then you’re entirely in safe hands and don’t need to worry about anything at all. BlueStacks is a legitimate company and is partnered with industry leaders such as Intel, Samsung, and AMD.

Bluestacks installer for windows 10